Angielski - Sikorska-Dzięgielewska Krystyna - Notatki

  • 15 lis, 2015

Opis materiału

Tekst z Unit Stereotypes oraz tresc zadania. Wydzial Zarzadzania UW Read the text STEREOTYPES and complete the summary below in a meaningful and informative way by adding suitable clauses. Remember: summaries with sentences copied from the text will not be accepted. Stereotypes are (1) ______________ as leading to social prejudices, but in fact (2) _________________. Stereotypes can be defined as wide-spread beliefs (3) _____________. Stereotypes are accepted uncritically i.e. (4) ______________ . Formally a stereotype is a generalization (5) ______________ As such a stereotype may be false, (6) _________________. Whether true or false, (7) _____________ . Specifically, they are used as guidelines for our behaviour, (8) ________________ .
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