Rachunkowość zarządcza - Sikorska-Dzięgielewska Krystyna - Ściąga

  • 07 sty, 2015

Opis materiału

Mkay people, due to some time of work I would like to intoduce you: THE CALCULATOR FOR RACHUNKOWOSC. Use it on own rist. Quick technique that I would suggest you: 1. Use a smartphone with GOOD Internet 3g/LTE 2. Install Teamviewer on both devices and on you master-race PC as well + Microsoft Excel needed. Your task is to have access to your PC from phone 3. Open MY calculator from your phone, insert data you received on exam or how you say: "Koło" 4. Write down solved data. 5...... 6. PROFIT There is a lot of different stuff that you might want to check before exam and/or add own solutions to tasks Note that there might be mistakes in some calculations so sorry about that. For successful passing of this exam I would suggest you bring a laptop on practise and make your own calculator. The tasks professor gives are the same but values are different.
Rachunkowość zarządcza
Rodzaj materialu: 
Jarosław Mielcarek

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